Saturday, October 29, 2016

PCA 2016: Day 2 $25,000 High Roller updates (Levels 17-21)NO Deposit bonus $43

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This is an archive of Levels 17-21 of the 2016 PCA $25K High Roller. Click here for an entire recap of Day 2.

2:05am: Day 2 concludes

Back in a couple of with a recap of today's exciting Day 2 within the $25K High Roller. - MH

2:04am: Robert Gorodetsky eliminated in 10th place ($98,820)Level 21 - Blinds 10,000-20,000 (3,000 ante)

On the final hand of the night there has been an elimination meaning the unofficial final table of nine was set to begin tomorrow's Day 3.

The hand started with Robert Gorodetsky opening to 40,000, Dario Sammartino three-bet to 135,000 and Gorodetsky smooth-called. The 7♠Q♥3♠ flop checked through and the K♣ hit the turn. Gorodetsky bet 120,000 and Sammartino smooth called.

The 2♦ fell at the river, Gorodetsky checked, Sammartino moved all-in for an efficient 300,000, and Gorodetsky said: "Damn," and stood up from his chair. A FEW seconds later he sat back off and said: "Call."

Sammartino was first to show, the Italian had A♣K♠ and Gorodetsky couldn't beat it as he had K♦J♥. That brings Sammartino as much as almost 1.9 million to finish the night, though Beckley will still benefit from the overnight chip lead some of the final nine - NW

1:58am: Beckley wins a large pot, takes chip leadLevel 21 - Blinds 10,000-20,000 (3,000 ante)

Late within the night Josh Beckley has surged back into the chip lead after winning a large pot against Brian Yoon. The latter opened to 45,000 at the button, Beckley three-bet to 165,000 from the large blind, and Yoon called.

The T♥7♠9♣ flop checked through and Beckley then check-called of venture of 180,000 at the 9♠ turn. The J♦ completed the board, Beckley bet 500,000, and Yoon folded.

"Show one for the fans," said Chance Kornuth and Beckley let him pick a card -- the A♦. Beckley is as much as around 2,100,000 after that hand. - NW

1:50am: Jean-Paul Savard eliminated in 11th place ($98,820)Level 21 - Blinds 10,000-20,000 (3,000 ante)

Josh Beckley opened for 50,000 from the cutoff seat, then Jean-Pascal Savard reraised all in together with his last 160,000 or so from the button. It folded back to Beckley who called, and he tabled A♠J♦ while Savard needed help along with his A♥T♠.

The board rolled out 7♥K♠J♠3♦K♥, giving Beckley two pair and ending Savard's run in 10th. That bumps Beckley up around 1.8 million, and it looks as if he and Sean Winter are currently vying for the end-of-night chip lead as they enter into the last minutes of play tonight. - MH

1:41am: Big pots for Yoon and MaimoneLevel 21 - Blinds 10,000-20,000 (3,000 ante)

Big pots for Brian Yoon and Nick Maimone have taken them both above the million-chip mark.

It's been a remarkable stand up the ranks for Yoon in Level 21. He started the extent with just 310,000, got as little as 162,000, and now he's as much as around 1,100,000. That is how he got there.

He opened to 45,000 at the button and called after Dario Sammartino three-bet to 118,000 from the small blind. Sammartino bet 80,000 and 140,000, respectively, at the J♥7♣4♥ flop and K♥ turn, and Yoon called him on both streets. Both players then checked the 4♠ river, with Sammartino showing A♣5♣ and Yoon holding A♦J♣. Sammartino is now all the way down to 1,200,000.

Meanwhile over at the other table Chance Kornuth and Nick Maimone were embroiled in a pot. Kornuth had opened to 40,000 from under-the-gun, with Maimone smooth-calling. Both players checked the 8♦2♦7♦ flop and the 7♥ fell at the turn.

Kornuth went for the delayed c-bet, and Maimone called the 45,000 salvo. At the T♥ river Kornuth bet an extra 78,000 and Maimone snap called. Kornuth opened T♣5♣ but Maimone had 7♠4♠ for trips. - NW

Nick Maimone - 1,200,000Chance Kornuth - 1,100,000Dario Sammartino - 1,200,000Brian Yoon - 1,100,000

1:31am: Yoon doubles againLevel 21 - Blinds 10,000-20,000 (3,000 ante)

Brian Yoon has found a second double-up and now sits with 700,000 or 35 big blinds. Dario Sammartino was his victim this time after Yoon's 7♦7♣ held against the A♦Q♦ of Sammartino after the community cards came 8♣3♥3♣8♥2♥. Sammartino has 1.65 million. - MH

1:21am: Brian Yoon doubles through Anton AstapauLevel 21 - Blinds 10,000-20,000 (3,000 ante)

Down to only 162,000, Brian Yoon got his short stack in with A♥J♠ and was more healthy against Anton Astapau's K♥T♥. The Belarusian had live cards, but couldn't land the knockout blow at the 5♣9♠4♣6♣2♦ board. - NW

Brian Yoon - 335,000Anton Astapau - 520,000

1:14am: Jeff Gross eliminated in 12th place ($88,020)Level 21 - Blinds 10,000-20,000 (3,000 ante)

A couple of hours ago Jeff Gross was sweating the bubble pretty hard, but he's managed to ladder all of the strategy to 12th place on this tournament without ever during that period getting his hands on a stack with which to play.

On his exit hand, Gross shoved all in for approximately 180,000 with A♥3♥ and Ben Heath isolated from the small blind with K♦K♠. Josh Beckley was within the big blind and showed pocket twos as he folded.

That would prove significant because the board ran 2♦K♥8♣3♠7♦, which eliminated Gross. Had he folded, it's possible Heath and Beckley would've played a monster pot with their flopped sets. Heath now has 680,000. - NW

1:03am: Greg Merson eliminated in 13th place ($88,020)Level 21 - Blinds 10,000-20,000 (3,000 ante)

Just after Michael Kamran was knocked out, Greg Merson followed him to the rail once you have crippled in that hand ace-jack versus ace-eight hand against Nick Maimone right before the last break.

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Greg Merson

1:02am: Michael Kamran eliminated in 14th place ($79,920)Level 21 - Blinds 10,000-20,000 (3,000 ante)

On the primary hand back from the break, Michael Kamran busted out in a place the kidz would call "standard."

Robert Gorodetsky opened to 45,000, Dario Sammartino flat-called, and Kamran moved all-in from the large blind for 262,000. Gorodetsky folded, but Sammartino got a count after which called.

Kamran: A♦K♣Sammartino: 9♥9♠

The pair held up on a 8♦2♣Q♥5♥6♦ board, sending Kamran out. Meanwhile Sammartino is as much as 2,000,000 and has taken the chip lead again. --NW

12:57am: Level 21 beginsLevel 21 - Blinds 10,000-20,000 (3,000 ante)

The final 14 are back to play another hour of poker. Here is a take a look at some updated counts as they start once again:

Sean Winter -- 1,900,000Dario Sammartino -- 1,722,000Josh Beckley -- 1,530,000Chance Kornuth -- 920,000Nick Maimone -- 905,000Robert Gorodetsky -- 765,000Andrey Zaichenko -- 740,000Anton Astapau -- 685,000Ben Heath - 580,000Jean-Pascal Savard - 350,000Brian Yoon -- 310,000Michael Kamran -- 285,000Jeff Gross -- 253,000Greg Merson -- 250,000

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12:43am: Break time

The final 14 players are taking what is going to be the last 15-minute break of the night, and then they'll return to play yet one more level before bagging up. -MH

12:42am: Nick Maimone doubles to dent MersonLevel 20 - Blinds 8,000-16,000 (2,000 ante)

On the last hand before the break Nick Maimone got a fortuitous double-up.

Jean-Pascal Savard opened to 40,000 at the button, Maimone ripped 27 big blinds from the small blind, and Greg Merson then reraised all in from the massive unaware of force Savard out of the equation. The players showed their hands:

Merson: A♦J♦Maimone: A♥8♦

Maimone was behind, but would flop better, though, because the K♠8♣8♥9♥A♠ board meant he doubled as much as around 925,000 whilst Merson dropped to 245,000. --NW

12:40am: Samuel Chartier eliminated in 15th ($79,920)Level 20 - Blinds 8,000-16,000 (2,000 ante)

Moments after Andrew Chen's knockout in 16th, Samuel Chartier was felted on the same table after running king-queen into Sean Winter's pocket aces to move out in 15th as Level 20 nears its close. - MH

12:38am: Andrew Chen eliminated in 16th place ($71,820)Level 20 - Blinds 8,000-16,000 (2,000 ante)

Down to only a handful of giant blinds, Andrew Chen found a great place to get them in, as he had pocket tens. He looked primed for a double-up as he was facing off against Dario Sammartino's A♦2♠.

However, the 3♦9♣J♥A♣6♦ board gave the pot to Sammartino, and in consequence the Italian increases his chip lead. --NW

12:30am: Redraw to final two tablesLevel 20 - Blinds 8,000-16,000 (2,000 ante)

The final 16 players have redrawn and at the moment are seated across the final two tables as follows:

Table Seat Name
1 1 Josh Beckley
1 2 Jean-Pascal Savard
1 3 Chance Kornuth
1 4 Michael Kamran
1 5 Nick Maimone
1 6 Greg Merson
1 7 Jeff Gross
1 8 Ben Heath
2 1 Andrew Chen
2 2 Andrey Zaichenko
2 3 Anton Astapau
2 4 Sam Chartier
2 5 Robert Gorodetsky
2 6 Brian Yoon
2 7 Dario Sammartino
2 8 Sean Winter

Dario Sammartino is back within the lead with 1.8 million, followed by Josh Beckley with 1.7 million and Sean Winter with 1.55 million. The present short stacks are Jeff Gross (247,000), Sam Chartier (200,000), and Andrew Chen (130,000). - NW

12:20am: Right down to 16Level 20 - Blinds 8,000-16,000 (2,000 ante)

Andrey Zaichenko opened for 32,000 from the button. Alexander Lynskey then moved all in from the small blind for about 375,000. To make things interesting, Dario Sammartino moved all in. Zaichenko thought for a second then folded, leaving the opposite two to it.

Lynskey: 2♥2♠Sammartino: A♥K♥

The board ran 7♣4♦3♥A♠8♦, sending Lynskey to the rail in 17th place and leaving Sammartino with 1.8 million chips. That puts him back narrowly within the lead sooner than Josh Beckley on slightly over 1.6 million.

There may be a brief pause again while they redraw once for for the overall two tables. - SB

12:09am: Winter check-calls his solution to the winLevel 20 - Blinds 8,000-16,000 (2,000 ante)

A big pot between Sean Winter and Chance Kornuth to inform you about now:

It folded to Winter who raised it as much as 40,000, and Kornuth called at the button. Postflop Winter gave up the betting lead, but proceeded to check-call bets of 36,000, 67,000, and 172,000 because the 2♥9♣J♣K♠3♥ board came.

At showdown, Kornuth rolled over K♥Q♠ for high pair, but Winter had gotten tricky with A♦A♣ and he took the pot. Kornuth is right down to 705,000 whilst Winter climbs to 1,400,000. -- NW

11:57pm: Maimone faced with another tricky decisionLevel 20 - Blinds 8,000-16,000 (2,000 ante)

Another tough river decision for Nick Maimone, but this time he was the only faced with losing all his chips if he was wrong.

It was a blind on blind pot with Josh Beckley raising from the small blind and Maimone calling from the massive blind. Beckley bet every street of a T♣7♥4♥K♦3♠ board along with his river bet being all in, an efficient 590,000 right into a pot of around 425,000 as he was the covering stack.

"Man these river bets has been so sick today," said Maimone as he pondered what to do. "Am I allowed to mention what I'VE"? he asked the dealer.

Apparently he was: "I'VE J♥T♥," he revealed. "Great flop, but not this kind of good turn or river," he continued. It's worth noting that these days the common stack is 661,000, meaning a fold from Maimone would still leave him with plenty. That is what he elected to do and he showed his cards to the table to make it clear he wasn't tanking unnecessarily.

Maimone has 590,000 now, while Beckley looks to be the brand new chip leader with 1,575,000. - NW

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Josh Beckley

11:48pm: Goredetsky doubles through MaimoneLevel 20 - Blinds 8,000 - 16,000 (2,000 ante)

Another double-up to report, this time for Robert Gorodetsky. On a board of 7♦T♦7♥4♦4♠ and roughly 120,000 already within the middle, Gorodetsky moved all in for his last 165,000. He then needed to look ahead to Nick Maimone to come to a decision whether Gorodetsky had something or was bluffing. Maimone took his time, and Gorodetsky watched as Maimone moved his chips around. Maimone finally did call, assuming Gorodetsky had nothing.

He was wrong. Gorodetsky showed 5♠7♣ for sevens stuffed with fours. Maimone mucked his hand, but tournament rules say he needed to show, at which point the dealer turned over his A♠K♠. - SB

11:36pm: Level 20 beginsLevel 20 - Blinds 8,000-16,000 (2,000 ante)

The blinds and antes are going up as players continue on into Level 20 without taking a break. - MH

11:35pm: Chen doubles; still within the danger zoneLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

Down to simply 75,000, Andrew Chen moved all in with A♥3♥ and got a choice from Robert Gorodetsky who had K♥Q♣. "I USED TO BE hoping for king-queen," said Chen when he saw the cards.

A 3♠5♥4♣6♥4♠ run out was good for Chen, and he doubled to 176,000. - NW

11:33pm: Zaichenko eliminates Jaffee and MateosLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

You don't see many celebrations in high roller events. The players in these big buy-in events are, for probably the most part, battled hardened veterans who've seen all of it. That is what made Andrey Zaichenko's fist pump celebration on the end of the next hand a rarity.

But you sense that, given the best way the board ran out, you'd have done the exact same in his shoes.

To the hand then, the Russian opened to 27,000 at the button, Jared Jaffee shoved for 190,000 from the small blind, Adrian Mateos then reshoved for approximately 425,000, and Zaichenko called all in.

Jaffee: K♠J♥Mateos: A♠J♠Zaichenko: A♦K♣

"That's about as bad because it can possibly get for me," said Jaffee when he saw the hands. The Q♣T♠5♦ flop was a fair start for him, though. It was now a case of the players needing each others' cards to make the most efficient hand.

The board bricked off, however, and that was when Zaichenko celebrated. It gave him a stack of about 1,000,000, eliminated Jaffe in 19th, and left Mateos with just 16,000.

Those chips of Mateos's went in at the next hand with Q♠6♦, and Zaichenko finished him off in 18th with pocket jacks. - NW

11:27pm: Double-KO for MaimoneLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

Two hands and two eliminations over on Table 3 with Nick Maimone the average thread between them.

In hand one Faraz Jaka shoved for 180,000 with 3♠3♦ and Maimone snap-called with T♣T♠. The 5♣Q♥K♥4♠2♣ board then sent Jaka to the rail in 21st place.

On the following hand, it was Maimone with the pair of threes and he raised to 23,000, then he called when Kyle Frey shoved for approximately 80,000. It was a race as Frey held A♥J♠, however the 5♣6♦7♥3♦T♠ board eliminated Frey within the 20th spot. Maimone is as much as 850,000 now. - NW

11:21pm: Jaffee and Gross doubleLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

Jared Jaffee just doubled up, doing so with pocket tens against Adrian Mateos who needed to take a break from stacking the chips he'd just won from Jaffee to play the hand. He had king-queen, and flopped a couple. However the board also brought Jaffee a straight and gave him the pot, but he's still down under 200,000.

There was similar news for Jeff Gross who got his shove with aces called by Andrew Chen, who turned over ace-king. Chen had outs to a straight at the turn, but nothing came of it. Gross is now as much as 350,000. - SB

11:17pm: Brutal for Jaffee as Astapau doublesLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

The words "sick" and "brutal" get overused in poker, but Jared Jaffee had every right to shake his head and damn near crush his hole cards within the palm of his hand when Anton Astapau flopped him dead in a pot that he was a 93% favourite to a minimum of chop.

Jaffee had opened, Astapau had shoved for 279,000, and Jaffee had put him in danger. When the cards were exposed they both had the similar hand -- well almost -- it was A♠K♠ for the Astapau and A♣K♥ for the yankee. However the 7♠5♠J♠ flop gave Astapau the nuts and an unbeatable hand.

Jaffee couldn't believe his luck and drops to 350,000 as a result, Astapau meanwhile is as much as 580,000. - NW

11:07pm: Rubie out in 22ndLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

Brendon Rubie is the following to fall. He found A♥2♦ and shoved, getting a choice from Brian Yoon with Q♠Q♥.

The board didn't help Rubie, landing because it did 4♠7♠T♠7♥2♣. Rubie departs in 22nd place. - SB

11:06pm: Hall busts in 23rd as Winter puts the frost on himLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

We reached the table to look Tom Hall facing a call for his tournament life.

There was a whole board of Q♣4♣2♥3♠3♦ at the felt and around 275,000 within the pot. Hall had about 260,000 back and Sean Winter much more than that. The clock was called on Hall and because the countdown began he recommend a stack of chips to name. Winter rolled over A♥5♥ for the wheel, whilst Hall had Q♥J♣.

Hall tapped the table and said "Nice hand," to Winter. He collects $58,320 as Winter climbs to 1,220,000. - NW

11:02pm: Sammartino takes out Hook, Jr. in 24th

Shortly after the resumption of play following the redraw, Charles Hook Jr. was eliminated by Dario Sammartino in 24th. You should definitely check the payouts page for updates. - MH

11:01pm: Final three tablesLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

The 24 remaining players are back of their seats and below is what the redraw produced. - NW

Table Seat Name
1 1 Anton Astapau
1 2 Ben Heath
1 3 Andrey Zaichenko
1 4 Jared Jaffee
1 5 Adrian Mateos
1 6 Alexander Lynskey
1 7 Dario Sammartino
1 8 Charles Hook Jr
2 1 Brian Yoon
2 2 Greg Merson
2 3 Michael Kamran
2 4 Tom Hall
2 5 Sean Winter
2 6 Joshua Beckley
2 7 Chance Kornuth
2 8 Brandon Rubie
3 1 Kyle Frey
3 2 Jeff Gross
3 3 Andrew Chen
3 4 Jean-Pascal Savard
3 5 Sam Chartier
3 6 Robert Gorodetsky
3 7 Faraz Jaka
3 8 Nick Maimone

10:55pm: The march to the cashier's desk begins; 24 remainLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

Following the knockouts of Keven Stammen and Pablo Melogno, there has been a sudden rush of knockouts occurring at every table, and in a flash the sphere was reduced to 24.

The short stacks who busted were Tyler Patterson (29th), Alexandr Komarov (28th), Marvin Rettenmaier (27th), Darren Elias (26th), and Nick Yunis (25th).

A pause within the action followed because the remaining 24 are redrawing to assemble across the final three tables. - MH

10:48pm: Chen eliminates MelognoLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

Pablo Melogno has followed Kevin Stammen out of this tournament as he couldn't mount a comeback. Right down to slightly below 10 big blinds, he shoved with ace-five and Andrew Chen called with ace-queen. Melogno actually flopped two pair, but a queen at the river gave Chen an outstanding two-pair to eliminate the Uruguayan. - NW

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Pablo Melogno

10:45pm: Anton Astapau doubles upLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

After losing that hand to Sam Chartier (see below), it left Anton Astapau with just 145,000. He found A♣9♣ and moved all in from late position. He got a choice from Michael Kamran who had him dominated with A♠K♦.

The 5♣8♣5♦ flop gave Astapau a host of outs and Kamran had the look of a person who knew what was coming. The T♥ was a blank but Astapau got there the hard way at the 9♦ river. - NW

Anton Astapau - 310,000Michael Kamran - 305,000

10:41pm: Keven Stammen out in 31st placeLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

Keven Stammen's rear-guard action has finally come to an end. Short-stacked for all of the last level, he survived into the money, but leaves in 31st place.

He shoved for 26,000. Sam Chartier also moved all-in for 134,000, which Anton Astapau called.

Astapau: A♣J♠Stammen: Q♦Q♣Chartier: A♥K♣

The board ran out 3♦4♣8♦5♣A♠. Stammen have been fine until the river, at which point he made an "argh" noise, albeit with a smile on his face. He was happy to make the money. Chartier meanwhile is as much as 330,000. - SB

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Keven Stammen

10:30pm: Level 19 beginsLevel 19 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

Players are back and with 31 left it is time to start figuring out how they'll be dividing the $5.4 million prize pool. - MH

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10:13pm: Break time

One hand after the bubble burst, the extent ended and players are on a 15-minute break, all with smiles from the information they've made the cash. - MH

10:12pm: The bubble burstsLevel 18 - Blinds 5,000-10,000 (1,000 ante)

The bubble bursts, and it's Georgios Zisimopoulos who departs empty-handed. After Greg Merson bet from the button, Zisimopoulos called all-in with J♥J♠. Merson turned over K♦9♣ and 30 other players gathered around to watch.

The board came K♣4♥T♥3♠5♠, and Zisimopoulos wished everyone good luck and left for the rail. There are 31 players left. We're within the money. - SB

10:11pm: Maimone pays to seeLevel 18 - Blinds 5,000-10,000 (1,000 ante)

Fair play to Nick Maimone, he put his money where his mouth was.

Dario Sammartino had shoved for roughly four times the pot at the river of a 9♠6♣6♠Q♠3♥ board. There has been roughly 100,000 within the pot and Maimone had 400,000 total. Sammartino is the chip leader, with as regards to 1,000,000 to start out the hand. He had the chips and he had the power.

Maimone was in an international of hurt, compounded somewhat by the truth that earlier at the bubble he'd 'just called' with the second one nuts. "I'm on the top of my range," he said before creating a reluctant fold.

"Show the bluff," said Chance Kornuth to Sammartino.

"I'll pay $100 to look your hand," Maimone pleaded to Sammartino.

The Italian pushed both cards forward and said: "$100 for one, $100 for the other."

Quick as a flash Maimone pulled out his wallet and gave Sammartino two crisp $100 bills. Good to his word Sammartino showed 4♥2♠ for a pure bluff. To be fair to Maimone, he took he well and in fact applauded the Italian for having the stones to drag that move. He then wandered off to speak to Calvin Anderson who's railing that event and the primary Event.

"Stupid play or genius play?" said Sammartino to the table! - NW

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Dario Sammartino

10:06pm: Savard doublesLevel 18 - Blinds 5,000-10,000 (1,000 ante)

A double-up for Jean-Pascal Savard. He needed to wait some time as other tables finished their hands, but his pocket kings were ok to overcome Sean Winter's pocket nines and Robert Gorodetsky's ace-king on a board of 3♥8♣4♦Q♦4♣. - SB

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Jean-Pascal Savard

9:57pm: Pablo Melogno doubles at the bubbleLevel 18 - Blinds 5,000-10,000 (1,000 ante)

Another all-in and another double at the bubble:

Adrian Mateos opened to 20,000, Pablo Melogno shoved for 41,000, and when it folded back to Mateos he made the call.

It was Q♠8♦ for Mateos and Q♥Q♣ for Melogno. Melogno had Mateos dominated, however the Spaniard hit the 7♥K♣8♣ flop to pick out up some outs. However, the 7♠ turn and T♣ river kept Melogno in front. Melogno has 115,000 now, while Mateos remains to be up on the other end of the counts with 735,000. - NW

9:49pm: Potential bubble boysLevel 18 - Blinds 5,000-10,000 (1,000 ante)

There are three very short stacks at this time as play continues hand for hand at the bubble. Georgios Zisimopoulos has 60,000 after he just shoved with ace-king (no callers). Pablo Melogno is in worst shape with 42,000, while Jean-Pascal Savard has 55,000. - SB

9:35pm: More for Beckley at the bubble as he wins an enormous potLevel 18 - Blinds 5,000-10,000 (1,000 ante)

This was an excellent bubble period for Josh Beckley, he just won a big pot against Nicolas Yunis to climb to 950,000.

It was an overly intriguing pot as Yunis opened from the cutoff, Beckley three-bet to 44,000 from the button, Yunis four-bet to 85,000, and Beckley smooth-called.

The two of them saw a A♠J♦9♦ flop on which Yunis check-called a raffle of 56,000. He then check-called an additional 140,000 at the 6♥ turn, leaving himself just 160,000 behind. At the A♥ river then Beckley moved all-in and Yunis tanked for a couple of minutes before folding. - NW

9:17pm: Level 18 begins, bubble intactLevel 18 - Blinds 5,000-10,000 (1,000 ante)

As hand-for-hand play continues, the blinds and antes have increased. 32 remain. - MH

9:16pm: Stammen shows staminaLevel 17 - Blinds 4,000-8,000 (1,000 ante)

"Never have I seen such a lot of people rooting for the fellow who's all in at the bubble," said a spectator as he waited to look if Kevin Stammen would double-up or bubble this tournament.

He was very short and had shoved excessive of a raise from Sean Winter, the latter instantly calling the few extra chips required. When play had finished on the other tables it was time for showdown:

Stammen: Q♣Q♠Winter: K♥J♥

The 8♣5♦2♦2♠8♥ board kept Stammen alive as he doubled to around 71,000. He's still short on chips but healthier than before. - NW

9:13pm: Beckley wins a large one at the bubbleLevel 17 - Blinds 4,000-8,000 (1,000 ante)

There may well be some huge cash at the line however the players certainly aren't coasting into the money and looking forward to the shorter stacks to bust, as evidenced today by a hand between Josh Beckley and Alex Lynskey.

We missed the preflop action, but there has been enough within the pot to signify that Lynskey had raised, Beckley had three-bet, and Lynskey had called. The flop fell 2♥9♦8♣, Lynskey checked, Beckley bet 50,000, and Lynskey called.

More money went in at the 9♥ turn, with Lynskey check-calling an additional 62,000. At that time both players were content to test back the T♠ river. Lynskey showed his hand first - J♥8♥ - but he'd been pipped at the river by Beckley's T♣7♣. - NW

Josh Beckley - 615,000Alex Lynskey - 395,000

9:04pm: A-K fails Akkari, Sammartino leads with 32 leftLevel 17 - Blinds 4,000 - 8,000 (1,000 ante)

Following a gap raise by Dario Sammartino to 24,000, Andre Akkari announced he was pushing all in with the slightly below 165,000 he had left, and when it folded back to Sammartino, he called right away.

Akkari had a large hand with A♣K♣, but Sammartino had a larger one with A♠A♦. The board came Q♦5♠8♥9♥J♥, and Akkari is out in 33rd. Now Sammartino has moved into first position within the counts, having about 1.15 million as hand-for-hand play continues.

Just yet another knockout before the bubble bursts! - MH

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Andre Akkari

9:01pm: Hand-for-hand at the bubble-bubbleLevel 17 - Blinds 4,000 - 8,000 (1,000 ante)

With five short-handed tables left and two eliminations until the money, some tables were moving more quickly than others, and so after a little while considering the chance the verdict was finally made to head ahead and begin playing the tournament hand-for-hand until two more knockouts occur and the cash is reached. - MH

8:59pm: Hook doubles upLevel 17 - Blinds 4,000 - 8,000 (1,000 ante)

Charles Hook, Jr. just doubled up, although he's still in a deadly position. After Chance Kornuth opened for 20,000 in middle position, Dario Sammartino called before Hook moved in for 63,000. Kornuth pushed 100,000 forward, giving Sammartino pause for thought before he got out of the way.

Kornuth: 8♠J♠Hook: 8♦8♥

The board ran out 5♥6♠6♥Q♣2♥, and Hook is now as much as 140,000. - SB

8:55pm: Stammen is the quick stackLevel 17 - Blinds 4,000-8,000 (1,000 ante)

Keven Stammen has a WSOP bracelet and a WPT win to his name, but he's yet to win an event at the EPT. It's likely his mind is more all for looking to make the cash presently than winning the event, however, as with 33 players left he's bottom of the pile.

He was already short before losing a pot that's dropped him to simply seven big blinds. From under the gun Michael Kamran opened to 17,000, Sean Winter called at the button and Stammen, who was within the big blind, went into the tank.

Fold or all-in surely? No, he elected to call, leaving himself 53,000 behind. He then checked the 5♦Q♥9♥ flop to Kamran who bet 18,000. After a snappy look back at his cards Winter mucked but Stammen was not so quick to act.

Without knowing what his cards were it genuinely seemed as though Stammen had a sound decision -- this didn't seem like a Hollywood bubble. By this stage numerous players from neighbouring tables had stopped by to observe including: Jeff Gross, Andrew Chen, Andrey Zainchenko, and Jared Jaffee. Eventually Stammen folded and he lives continue fighting with a brief stack of 53,000. - NW

8:45pm: Olvera outLevel 17 - Blinds 4,000 - 8,000 (1,000 ante)

We're all the way down to 33 players after the elimination of Guillermo Olvera.

Alexander Lynskey opened with a big gamble of 16,000 from the cutoff. Olvera was within the small blind and raised to 44,000, holding A♦A♠. Nick Yunis was within the big blind and thought for a second before he folded, sending the action back to Lynskey who made the call.

The flop came 6♦7♣9♦ which Olvera checked. Lynskey now bet 47,000 which Olvera called for the 7♥ turn card. Olvera checked again. Lynskey took his time, but pushed out a stack worth 82,000. Olvera now paused. He had 270,000 behind and announced he was all in. Lynskey called in a flash, and with good reason, turning over 7♠7♦ for quads.

The 3♣ at the river was irrelevant, with only the chip counts left to figure out. Lynskey had him covered, and now has roughly 500,000. Olvera meanwhile is out. - SB

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Guillermo Olvera

8:33pm: Calderaro falls to AstapauLevel 17 - Blinds 4,000-8,000 (1,000 ante)

James Calderaro is the primary player out after dinner and it was Anton Astapau who got him. Sean Winter opened to 18,000, Calderaro called from a stack of 76,000, and Astapau then three-bet to 75,000 total.

That removed Winter, but Calderaro now dwelt up, wondering if he should call off for his tournament life. He tanked for a couple of minutes after which slammed the remainder of his chips into the pot. It was just 1K more for Astapau to name and he duly did.

Astapau: A♠A♥Calderaro: K♦T♦

The 7♥9♥9♠5♠8♥ flop eliminated Calderaro. 34 players remain. - NW

8:24pm: Crucial double for YunisLevel 17 - Blinds 4,000-8,000 (1,000 ante)

Nicolas Yunis was the shortest stack of the 35 remaining players, but at the first hand back from dinner he doubled up. He was all-in for 85,000 with A♠7♦ and up against Josh Beckley, who had A♣K♣. The 7♠5♠8♠ flop hit Yunis and he only improved at the T♦ turn and 9♠ river. He now has 178,000. - NW

8:16pm: Mateos gets it throughLevel 17 - Blinds 4,000-8,000 (1,000 ante)

Never has a hand with such a lot of checks taken see you later! This pot lasted about eight minutes and there has been no aggressive action on two of the streets.

If there's anyone to blame, it's Adrian Mateos. He was the person who started all of it by raising to 17,000 from under the gun. He was called by Andrey Zaichenko (UTG+1), Andrew Chen (button), and Greg Merson (big blind).

The flop fell T♣5♣4♣ and although there has been no betting Mateos and Chen spent essentially the most time considering their options. So that you can the 6♠ turn we went, again it checked through although Chen, who was in position and looked as if it would consider betting when his three opponents had checked to him.

So they rolled directly to the 6♦ river. Merson checked and Mateos went for a double-delayed c-bet of 35,000. There followed a snappy fold from Zaichenko, but Chen then went into the tank. He folded, then it was Merson's turn to tank. He went so far as cutting out the requisite calling chips before folding. He was smiling as he did so. - NW

8:06pm: Level 17 beginsLevel 17 - Blinds 4,000-8,000 (1,000 ante)

The 35 remaining players are back of their seats and play has resumed. Four more eliminations, and the tournament will reach the money.

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Click through for previous Day 2 action, Levels 11-16.

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Take a glance on the official website of the PCA, with tournament schedule, videos, news, blogs and accommodation details for the Atlantis Resort within the Bahamas.

Also All of the schedule information is at the EPT App, that's available on both Android or IOS.

PokerStars Blog reporting team at the $100,000 Super High Roller: Stephen Bartley, Martin Harris, Ross Jarvis, and Nick Wright. Photos by Joe Giron and Carlos Monti.

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