Friday, October 28, 2016

UKIPT6 Super Series: Day 1A coverage archiveNO Deposit bonus $43

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2:05am: Jorge Ellena leads 26 Day 1A survivorsThe first of 3 starting flights of the UKIPT Super Series came and went over twelve 40-minutes levels today. Day 1A was an evening session, beginning at 5pm, and by the point the players were bagging up at around 2am, Chilean player Jorge Ellena has amassed an excessively impressive 280,300 to lead.

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Jorge Ellena has set the bar high

The event has different buy-in guidelines this year with it being a single re-entry per flight event. That meant 11 of the players to bust today took a second chance, and boosted the overall collection of entries as much as 128. Only 26 made it through and below you will find a whole rundown in their counts.

Tomorrow will feature two flights starting at different times and with different structures. Day 1B will start at 12pm BST and play out the exact same as today, but Day 1C (starting at 10pm) has a turbo structure where the blind levels has been halved to twenty minutes apiece. That's all from PokerStars Live on the Hippodrome, join us back this is only a few hours time.

Name Status Chips
Jorge Ellena   280,800
Albert Sapiano   219,800
Alexander Zeligman   203,000
Edmund Anderson   194,000
Victor Victorovich Ilyukhin   190,900
Jon Vallinas Santos   188,000
Giulio Mascolo   155,000
Vadim Cojocaru   152,600
Alexios Zervos   148,000
Luke Williams PokerStars Qualifier 137,500
Angelos Nastos Megas   131,600
Danny Tran   130,000
Craig Newton   106,800
Grant Fox   98,500
Philippe Souki   98,300
David Crane   96,700
Stelyan Gerogiev   89,600
Jonathan Somekh   89,400
Terence Donakey   72,800
Mark Metsla   72,100
Hristo Georgiev   70,400
Nilay Ganatra   70,100
Julien-Pierre Jolivet   66,700
Chris Da-Silva   61,300
Simon Dryan   55,300
Roar Flotre   40,100

1:45am: Last four handsLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (ante 300)

Four more hands could be played at each table before Day 1A involves an end.

1:36am: Yeung man with a large futureLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (ante 300)

It's been lower than a year since Edmund Yeung recorded his first ever live cash. Fast-forward 11 months and the new university graduate has a poker resume worth $380k. The scientific poker terminology to explain him is as a hot young thing.

He won't be making Day 2 via this flight though though after he was eliminated by Alexios Zervos. We didn't see the hands but Zervos had the second one nuts when he tank-called Yeung's shove. David Chau said Zervos slow-rolled however the table agreed to reclassify it as a nit-roll (at most) as he said he was probably going to name. He did, and has a stack around 250,000 so could challenge Jorge Ellena for the tip of day chip lead.

1:24am: Nothing Bland a couple of straightLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (ante 300)

It will also be nervous putting your tournament life at the line with a draw, but sometimes it's important to gamble a bit. Daniel Bland did that and was rewarded with a much-needed double up.

The action was three-way to a J♠T♣4♣ flop and Nilay Ganatra bet 15,000 when it was checked to him at the button. The small blind folded before Bland moved all-in for 27,600 after pausing for 30 seconds to think about his option. Call.

Ganatra: J♣9♣ for prime pair and flush draw.Bland: K♣Q♠ for an open-ended straight draw.

The board ran out A♠7♠ to make Bland the nut straight. "Nice hand," said a gracious Ganatra.

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1:10am: Ellena the 300k manLevel 11 - Blinds 800/1,600 (ante 200)

Another scalp in another big pot has seen Jorge Ellena's stack rise to around 300,000.

The action was four-way to the turn of a J♣9♣7♥4♦ flop where Danny Toffel moved all-in for 30,200. Sapiano tank-folded but Ellena made a rapid call. The fourth party made a rapid fold.

Toffel: Q♣J♦Ellena: A♦J♠

"Nice hand!" said Toffel before the K♥ river sealed his fate. "Good luck all," he concluded before warding off into the London night.

1am: Late night fallersLevel 11 - Blinds 800/1,600 (ante 200)

They came, they saw, they played a very long time nevertheless it wasn't meant to be. Feels bad man for: Wing Ka Chang, Joern Esben Guenther, Mark Hammond, Deivis Rinkevicius, Ajaykumar Ale, Thomas Young, James Langford, Pawan Kumar Nayyar, Brian Peattie, David Welch, Elio Saade, Olicer Hewett and James Morris.

Morris informed the blog that he moved all-in with K-Q suited from the small bling and was called by David Chau within the big blind. The latter held A-8 and held.

12:45am: Ellena cruises past 200kLevel 11 - Blinds 800/1,600 (ante 200)

Jorge Ellena has leapt into the chip lead, with greater than 200,000 after a big, long battle with Andrew Christoforou.

The latter raised from under the gun and was called in a single spot before Ellena squeezed to 10,000 from the cutoff. Both opponents called and 7♥9♣9♥ flop was delivered. Christoforou came out firing for 18,000 and only Ellena called to the J♦ turn. Every decision within the hand had taken time and this street took the longest. Christoforou took an excellent while before he bet 22,000, leaving himself around 50,000 back. Ellena moved all-in and Christoforou tank-called his stack off.

"Queens?" asked Ellena as he opened K♠K♠. "No, you're good" came Christoforou's reply as he opened 8♠8♦. The board completed with the J♥ and a brand new chip leader was born.

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Ellena feeling super on the Series

12:20am: I HAVE no such kicker problems, PalLevel 10 - Blinds 500/1,200 (ante 200)

Rupom Pal flopped trips however it cost him dear as David Crane had the similar trips, but with the most efficient kicker.

Crane opened to 2,700 from the cutoff and Pal defended his big ignorant of see a Q♥K♦Q♦ flop. Pal led or 1,600 and Crane called, before he himself bet 3,100 at the 3♣ turn. The tricky Pal check-raised it as much as 9,200 but Crane snap moved all-in for around 41,000, just covering Pal.

"Kicker problems here!" said Pal.

There was a pause while Crane seemingly processed that line, then he responded with, "Queen?"

Pal eventually called with Q♠6♠ but Crane opened A♣Q♣ and survived the 8♥ river. "I should've folded," said Pal before wishing everyone luck and heading out. --MC

11:53pm: Big stacksLevel 10 - Blinds 500/1,200 (ante 200)

Name Status Chips
Alexander Zeligman   180,000
Giulio Mascolo   140,000
Albert Sapiano   126,000
Luke Williams PokerStars Qualifier 120,000
Jorge Ellena   115,000
Jon Vallinas Santos   110,000
Terence Plummer PokerStars Qualifier 102,000
Guy Taylor   95,000
David Chau   95,000
Edmund Anderson   85,000
Danny Tran   83,000
Natalia Breviglieri   75,000
Chris Da-Silva   63,000
David Crane   58,000
Alexios Zervos   52,000
Stelyan Gerogiev   52,000

11:37pm: Last break of the nightLevel 9 - Blinds 600/1,200 (ante 200)

The players are taking their last 15-minute break of the day. The next did not make it that far:

Chao Xia, Pablo Bodi Jimenez, Jonathan Beck, Tristan Chevalier, Craig Sweden, Krishna Nagaraju, Adrian Smith, Keith Christie, Ravi Sharda, Christopher Cancelliere, Hoss Sharifkazemi, Mats Rosen, George Alexander, Robert Heidorn, Alessandro Bonaffini, Warren Tolentino, Rahim Tadj-Saadat and Jai Patel.

11:25pm: Welch jams on RinkeviciusLevel 8 - Blinds 600/1,200 (ante 200)

No, we aren't talking a couple of casual music session here, this poker business be serious. David Welch and Deivis Rinkevicius are battling for traction, and the previous found more of it in a heads up hand between the pair.

Welch opened to 2,000 from the button and Rinkevicius peeled from the massive unaware of see a 6♥K♥5♣ flop that was checked. Welch's delayed c-bet for 3,100 was check-called by Rinkevicius before Welch jammed at the Q♠ river. Rinkevicius check-folded to maintain his 31,000 remaining chips.

11:10pm: Sapiano finds a wayLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (ante 100)

Albert Sapiano's table broke some time back and he's now at table five with a six-figure stack. He can thank James Morris for that.

The latter told us that he lost a 100k pot versus Sapiano in a blind on blind battle in advance of their table broke. Morris raised with A♦J♦ and called after Sapiano shipped all-in for around 25,000 with A-8. The latter flopped an eight and held despite there being two diamonds out there.

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Morris felt the force of Sapiano

Now Morris has a transparent view of Sapiano and his old chips while he grinds a brief tack to the direct right of David Chau.

10:55pm: Phan of the DigglerLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (ante 100)

David Chau's (AKA Diggler) original table was broken and he was moved to table four. After we arrived at his table, he had a mass of messy stacks in front of him and was halfway through eating a cheeseburger. Basically it gave the impression of he was enjoying life in his new home!

Life's stuffed with bumps within the road though, and his bump was doubling up the short-stacked Phu Van Phan. Chau opened to 1,850 and was called by Dominic Wells before Phan squeezed all-in for 6,225. Chau raised to 12,000 to isolate and was successful as Wells tank folded after intially saying, "Ah bo**ocks!"

Chau: K♠Q♥Phan: T♣T♠

The board ran 8♣6♣2♦J♣Q♣ to make Phan a flush. Chau was probably left with around 80,000 chips.

10:35pm: Come and check out again tomorrowLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (ante 100)

The great thing about a re-entry tournament is that opportunity of trying again. Hopefully we'll see one of the most following tomorrow for either/both Day 1B&C:

Oliver Bithell, Andrew Christoforou, Brett Kennedy, Chuc Gia Khuu, Joe Hindry, Sarah Stockbridge, Mihai Zelinca, Lucky Nguyen, Derek Boyle, Ning Lu, Jacques Demajo and Andrew Lazarus.

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For now, you will see that them on the cocktail bar

10:27pm: Well gets paidLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (ante 100)

Dominic Wells has a stack approaching 100,000 after he managed to receives a commission at the river.

A pile of chips sat within the middle and his heads-up opponent (Julien Michaud) checked to stand a 10,000 bet at the river of a K♣4♠2♦A♣9♥ board. Michaud tanked for a few minutes after which made the decision. Wells opened A♦Q♠ and Michaud mucked to depart himself short, a position he didn't recover from.

10:20pm: A numbers gameLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (ante 100)

The final collection of entries for Day 1A of the UKIPT6 Super Series was confirmed at 128 players. That number is made from 117 unique players and 11 re-entries. Folks that fired a second bullet were: James Parker, Terence Jordon, Mark Hammond, Joe Hindry, Jon Vallinas Santos, Alexandra O'Brien, Philippe Souki, Krishna Nagaraju, Danny Toffel and Frank Bastow.

10:06pm: Sweden high on WattageLevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (ante 75)

Craig Sweden has tripled as much as 80,000 in a three-way all-in that saw Steve Watts bust.

He raised to 1,300 and was called in three spots en path to a 5♠5♦4♦ flop. Sweden continued for 3,900 and was called in a single spot before Watts raised to 9,400. Brett Kennedy was within the cutoff and jammed for approximately 30,000 - enough to set both Sweden and Watts all-in. They both called.

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Sweden moved right into a big house

Sweden: 6♥5♣ for trips.Watts: A♠2♠ for a straight flush draw.Kennedy: 5♥3♥ for trips.

The board ran out 6♣6♠ to make an excessively elated Sweden the most important full house. He scooped, Watts hit the rail and Kennedy was left short.

9:48pm: Chips ahoyLevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (ante 75)

Now we see some real stacks emerging!

Name Status Chips
John Antwi   110,000
Rupom Pal   100,000
Victor Ilyukhin   88,000
Guy Taylor   84,000
Terence Plummer PokerStars Qualifier 78,000
Luke Williams PokerStars Qualifier 75,000
James Morris   73,000
Alexander Zeligman   68,000
Daniel Bland   68,000
Edmund Andersen   66,000
Mats Rosen Pihl   62,000
Dominic Wells   62,000
Alexios Zervos   60,000
George Stoian   58,000
Vytautas Aganauskas   55,000
Ajaykumar Ale   55,000
Nilay Ganatra   55,000
Huy Nguyen   50,000
David Chau   50,000
Edmund Yeung   45,000
Alessandro Bonaffini   43,000
Stelyan Gerogiev   42,000
Jai Patel   40,000
Warren Tolentino   40,000
Simon Dryan   40,000
Angelos Megas   39,000
Marcus West   38,000
Axat Tulsidas Mawji   36,000

9:38pm: Last chance to re-enterLevel 6 - Blinds 250/500 (ante 50)

The second 1/2 the day is underway meaning that registration for this fight is closed. Did any of those players re-enter within the break? (excluding Terence Jordon who's busted twice):

Andrew Christoforou, James Mitchell, Nicos Nicolaou, Martins Adeniya, Carlos Del Vigo Gonzalez, Alexandra O'Brien, Sanjay Thapar, James Parker, Philippe Souki, Jason Nguyen, Danny Toffel and Frank Bastow.

9:20pm: Break timeThe players are on their second break of the day, registration will close on the end of it.

9:10pm: Breviglieri back to blackLevel 6 - Blinds 250/500 (ante 50)

Thanks to Albert Sapiano, Natalia Breviglieri has gotten her stack as much as around 30,000.

He limped in after which called after Breviglieri raised to 1,700 from the cutoff. The flop fanned 9♥K♠8♥ and both players checked, Sapiano at nighttime. The turn was the 3♣ and Sapiano check-called 3,000 before he checked dark all over again. Breviglieri bet 2,500 and was called. She opened K♥Q♣ and scooped as Sapiano mucked.

8:52pm: Antwi soaring as last re-entry levels beginsLevel 6 - Blinds 250/500 (ante 50)

Level 6 has gotten under way and that is the last level where players can re-enter for this flight. One player not in that kind of mind-set is current chip leader John Antwi. He's at table 10 and will almost rest his chin on his two tall towers. He did just lose a pot though and dropped back to a still impressive 90,000 or thereabouts.

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Antwi - lord of the dual towers

It looked as though the pot was limped preflop before five players took a glance at a 4♥A♦6♥ flop. Antwi led for 1,600 from under the gun and was only called by Grant Fox within the hijack. Fox called another 3,000 at the K♦ turn before both players checked the T♣ river. Fox opened A♥Q♣ and took the pot as Antwi mucked after flashing the A♣.

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8:41pm: They'll have lost the battle, but it is a warLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (ante 50)

Players can re-enter once each flight at this year's Super Series so although the next have fallen, they still have the danger to be victorious: Chris Gordon, Joe Hindry, Krishna Nagaraju, Andrey Veselov, Richard Hurst, Mateusz Zbikowski, Colin Marks, Vytautas Aganauskas, Matthew Hope, Andre Loua, Jamie Rutherford, Fahd Bennani-Smires, Ricardo Jose Valim and Jason Nguyen.

8:22pm: Time to spin!Level 5 - Blinds 200/400 (ante 50)

"Now we're spinning!" said Terence Jordon after he lost a three-way all-in. "Starting stack's just not enough."

He and Danny Toffel combined to triple up neighbour Chuc Gia Khuu to 25,800. Toffel won a 4k side pot, but bemoaned he needed to installed 8,000 to win that.

The hands:

Khuu: K♦T♣Jordon: K♣Q♣Toffel: 7♠6♠

The board ran T♠8♦3♦A♠6♦.

Jordon was lying as he soon turned 27,000 into dust and can likely re-enter.

8pm: Power poker from AdeniyaLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (ante 25)

Martins Adeniya had made numerous poker headlines through the years. He's made a large number of live update blogs building big stacks as a result of his aggressive nature. We're glad to look some things don't change. His stack is easily within the black after somewhat power poker.

The flop have been dealt (9♣9♦5♠) and Adeniya led for 2,600 from the massive blind. Frank Bastow was under the gun and made the decision. Adeniya kept firing at the 2♠ turn with a 3,800 bet and that was enough to scare off Bastow. --MC

7:47pm: The Wells not dryLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (ante 25)

Dominic Wells was reported as having one of the vital biggest stacks within the room within the break, and improved his position in Level 5, before a small loss. He just open-folded a reasonably large hand but still has around 50,000 to play with.

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This Well is filled with chips still

He was in early position and tangling with Julien Michaud within the big blind. The flop read 9♠5♥Q♠ and the latter check-called 2,800 before both players checked the J♦ turn. The board completed with the 6♦ and Michaud came out firing for 8,000. "Ah-haaaa!" said Wells with a grin after which open-folded K♣Q♣. Michaud showed one, the Q♥, and raked within the pot. -- MC

7:25pm: Second quarter beginsLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (ante 25)

The second of 4 poker sessions has gotten underway. After a sweep of the tables while they were empty it was clear to look many haven't really got going yet, whereas as others clearly have because of the disparity between the stacks. Listed here are the present chips leaders from each table.

Table 1. Mark Metsla - 48,000Table 2. Jai Patel - 37,000Table 3. Ajaykumar Ale - 39,000Table 4. Dominic Wells - 44,000Table 5. Chris Da-Silva - 34,000Table 6. Roar Flotre - 51,0002016 UKIPTSeries Sep HuyNguyen Day1A.jpgTable 7. Huy Nguyen (pictured) - 60,000Table 8. Victor Ilyukhin - 44,000Table 11. Wing Ka Chang - 34,000Table 12. Nilay Ganatra - 43,000

7:07pm: First break of the dayLevel 3 - Blinds 100/200 (ante 25)

"Something's just gone crazy within the last ten minutes!" said floor man Steve Berto after he brought several exit cards over to media row.

As the players are enjoying a 15-minute break, Jon Vallinas Santos, Ole Nedreboe, Mark Hammond, Alex O'Brien, Matteo Vincenz, Christopher Petros, Chris Simpson and James Parker will all be pondering their next moves. To re-enter or not, that's the question.

6:45pm: Albert Sapiano is the selected oneLevel 3 - Blinds 100/200 (ante 25)

Albert Sapiano won two hands in a row to get his stack as much as around 30,000 and after he was awarded the primary pot, a randomly roaming spotlight decided to focus directly above his head. He's either the selected one or was about to be beamed up for testing!

In the primary pot he led for 5,000 from the large blind after a board rested as Q♣K♣K♠6♥2♣. an opponent called after which mucked upon seeing Sapiano's Q♥T♣.

Sapiano limped the very next hand and was joined by Ilyukhin before Duc Nguyen raised to 600 from the cutoff. Both opponents called and all three went directly to check the 3♣5♠Q♣ flop. Sapiano then led for 1,500 on 2♣ turn and was only called by Ilyukhin, before both went back to checking the K♣ river. "Straight!" clarified Sapiano after slamming down his 4♥6♦ at the felt. Ilyukhin had a tight hand with 3♥2♥ for 2 pair, but not decent enough. Still, he appears to be the table chips leader with around 60,000 so won't be disheartened.

6:28pm: Mills's wheels come offLevel 2 - Blinds 75/150

Richard Mills turned a small pocket pair right into a bluff and was caught at it by Steve Watts, then busted in a classic race a couple of hands later.

Watts raised preflop and continued on an 2♣6♥J♦ flop. Mills was within the blinds and check-raised to 2,000. Watts inquired concerning the raise amount after which called, together with another 3,000 at the 3♣ turn. Mills wasted little time in emptying the clip with a 5,000 bet at the Q♥ river and it got Watts thinking out loud. He talked through what he thought Mills can have and added he couldn't fold flopped bottom two pair, before he called with 6♣2♠. Mills had already opened 5♣5♦ and said, "SUPERB call!"

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Steve Watts

Mills was wishing everyone good luck a couple of hands later. He have been left with around 5,000 chips after the altercation with Watts and got all of them within the middle holding pocket sevens. Krishna Nagaraju was sat to the left and made the decision with A-K - the pair did not hold.

6:12pm: Tales from table 8Level 2 - Blinds 75/150

James Morris, Albert Sapiano and Victor Ilyukhin have found themselves sat next to one another on table 8 so expect a good little bit of action from that little corner. We watched two hands there, and the primary saw five players see a flop, with the second one having six visitors.

Morris was under the gun and led for 900 with the flop showing 4♥5♥6♥. Only Duc Nguyen called from late position but he too folded when Morris bet 1,500 at the 8♣ turn.

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The three amigos

The very next hand saw Sapiano limp from first position and pick up five players en path to an A♥4♠T♠ flop. Sapiano bet 600 and was called by Ilyukhin within the next seat, and Morris within the big blind before the Q♠8♣ turn and river were checked through. Morris mucked, Sapiano opened K♠4♣ but lost out to Ilyukhin and his T♦5♦.

5:53pm: Pray for the fallenLevel 2 - Blinds 75/150

Level two is underway and one player didn't make it. No details of ways he busted, but Matthew Church was the one player to not advance. After a handy guide a rough confession for his sins, we would see him re-enter.

Players who've recently entered, and made Level 2, include: Albert Sapiano, Edmund Yeung, Craig Sweden, Victor Ilyukhin and Richard Mills.

5:39pm: Diamond geezerLevel 1 - Blinds 50/100

Steve Watts - a former professional footballer for clubs like Leyton Orient and Sutton United - swapped the golf green pitches for the fairway baize many years ago now and has enjoyed great success, cashing for greater than a three-quarters of one million dollars.

Watts had success on this very event last year, coming 14th for £1,950. He'll be eager to do better than that this year though and is off to a hectic start, mixing in a couple of pots with some cheeky banter.

He forced an opponent off a hand at the flop with a board reading 4♦Q♦8♦. There has been around 5,800 within the middle and Watts bet 2,375 to force a fold. He added while showing A♦, "Aces with the ace of diamonds? Got to be in!"

5:20pm: Early facesLevel 1 - Blinds 50/100

It seems weird saying early faces with a tournament start time of 5pm, but there you go - that is the crazy world of poker we are living in. Over 60 players have taken their seats already and some faces that stick out immediately include Steve Watts, James Mitchell, Joe Hindry, James Morris and Chris Gordon.

Gordon lost a small pot early, his cards hitting the muck on showdown after an opponent opened pocket two that had made a straight. "I had aces besides"! said Gordon with a wry smile.

5:05pm: Shuffle up and dealLevel 1 - Blinds 50/100

Cards are within the air for Day 1A. A reminder - play will last 12 levels (40 mins each) for an approx. 2am finish.

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4:30pm: The UKIPT Super Series is back!Level 1 - Blinds 50/100

It's the first of September and summer here within the UK is drawing to a detailed. The youngsters are going back to college next week and it is a last chance to squeeze some fun in before the standard routine kicks back in. Some could be squeezing in a final minute holiday, but those within the know may be heading all the way down to central London's PokerStars Live on the Hippodrome for the UKIPT Super Series festival, which kicked off yesterday.

Dale Garrad took on all comers last year to stroll away with the principle Event title and a healthy £28,300 - he'll be expected to be back defending his title. Team PokerStars Pro Jake Cody may be in attendance over the week and so will PokerStars Live on the Hippodrome's Kelly Saxby and Chris Gordon.

Today is all about Day 1A of the primary Event and we've a night session for you. The 5pm start time scheduled for those working nearby who don't need to take an afternoon off work. So join us back here then where we'll cover the entire day's big stories.

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Dale Garrad - reigning chmapion

- Day 1A occurs today from 5pm; Day 1B is at 12pm Friday, followed by Day 1C (turbo) at 10pm.- Day 1s encompass twelve 40-minute levels. Levels increases to 60 minutes on Day 2, and 60 minutes on Day 3.- One re-entry permitted each flight, so six entries maximum.- Registration closes after 6 levels.- Starting stack 25,000.- The primary event and all side events might be paying out top 15% throughout this series.

PokerStars Blog reporting team at UKIPT6 Super Series: Marc Convey. Photos by Mickey May.

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